Visit Sweden
B2C: Sweden on AirBnB
Eurobest Awards 2017 Winner of Media
Case study / Visit Sweden
5 min read
Visit Sweden is Sweden’s official website for tourism and travel information. Here, you will find practical information about Sweden. Read more about the weather, the Swedish currency and payment methods, important passport and visa information as well as how to get around. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Sweden and travelling here.
The task
We used the Freedom to Roam, an 80-year- old Swedish right protected by the constitution that allows anyone to roam freely in Sweden’s nature. Every lake and mountaintop can be enjoyed as if they are yours – our country is one big home. Since we knew our target group, we knew where they hang out online. So we listed the entire country on Airbnb.
The approach
To pave the way for the campaign we worked with different influencers who in one way or the other had a natural connection to freedom to roam: explorer Renata Chlumska, photographer Wisslaren; raincoat designer Alexander Stutterheim and tech profile Natalia Brzezinski, an American who used to live in Sweden. We also produced content about freedom to roam, including an interview with an expert, which we published on Visit Sweden’s website.
By combining the power of the Airbnb platform with something which in its essence is a definition of Swedish society as a whole, the freedom to roam, we managed to get the US and the world to talk about Swedish as a destination and Swedish nature in a new and inspiring way. And by using the Airbnb platform as a starting point we succeeded in starting a dialogue with those we wanted to reach – journalists and travellers in the US market.
- Creativity
- ePR
- Performance Marketing
The campaign was launched on May 22nd 2017 and in July 2017 the number of booked hotel nights from the US increased by 45 % compared to the year before. A booking cycle in the US is 45 days.
- Local awards
- Global Awards
The Goals:
- Yield ROI in digital marketing
- Restore faith in the process
- Localize copy and digital content for multiple marketing channels
Organic Reach
Increased Online
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